Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mirrors of Privilege

          The Constitution of the United Sates reads, “All men are created equal.” In our society, we have discovered there’s a lot more to the story. We have the privileged and the disadvantaged. To define the first half of the title of the film, Mirrors of Privilege, a mirror is a reflection. And as we look into a mirror we see not only what’s on the outside, we also judge what’s on the inside. Privilege can also be defined as; a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most. So to define the title, Mirrors of Privilege, one can reflect on his or her own life and ask one self, am I privileged?

          In the film we watch the journeys of several white Americans as they wrestled with the idea of racism in our country and being white. Most of them recognized that they grew up in homes where racism was the norm. But some felt racism was nonexistent until it affected them. Others were so offended by racism that they actually felt compelled to try and end it. As a result of bigotry and racism, families were torn apart. Friendships where tested and prejudice reared its ugly head. So these white people took it upon themselves to try and end racism in their community or environment. Taking into consideration of the privilege of being white Americans, they tried to educate their own.

          In conclusion, the people in the film took the experiences they received growing up in homes where racism and bigotry were the standard norm. They spoke out and tried to change other white Americans thoughts and beliefs of just being another white American. All of the people in the film acknowledged that racism is wrong and hurtful to not only minorities, but society as a whole. This film left the audience with the impression that in order to be privileged, one must be white. White comes with a privilege because it is devoid of many stereotypes which place one in the disadvantaged category. Am I privileged? According to the film, absolutely not.

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